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Polls on Tumblr | Matt MullenwegWe just launched polls on Tumblr, and it s been pretty fun. Cool to bring together the Crowdsignal (née Polldaddy) technology into a new world.
Tumblr StaffCommunities are a new and easy way to connect with the people on Tumblr who get it. You can invite mutuals who share your obsessions to a private Community or start a public Community for the things you love and watch al
@drtrivikrambangalore on Tumblr(via
Browse communities on TumblrTumblr is so easy to use that it's hard to explain.We made it really, really simple for people to make a blog and put whatever they want on it. Stories, photos, GIFs, TV shows, links, quips, dumb jokes, smart jokes, Spot
Jeffrey Zeldman Presents - Since 1995.The bullies who beat and mocked me in eighth grade were cruel and stupid. They despised intelligence and worshipped violence, although they would settle for athletic ability. The school blessed their thuggery by scheduli
Baby Budgeting - money saving tips for parentsThis blog shares lots of ways to make and save money for parents with a young family, baby budgeting in particular. It also looks at money saving in relation to home and lifestyle, food and travel. All aspects of positiv
Good Black NewsBorn in 1875 in Virginia to formerly enslaved parents who were never taught to read and write, Carter G. Woodson often had to forgo school
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Best Reviews TabletBest Reviews Tablet - About Android Tablet, Windows Tablet, WiFi Tablet, Phone Tablet, Touchscreen Laptop, and Cell Phone
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